Agape Chinese Alliance Church
2025 Theme
"Behold, I am doing a new thing...
I will make a way in the wilderness
and rivers in the desert."
Isaiah 43:19
Agape Chinese Alliance Church is part of the Christian and Missionary Alliance (C&MA) denomination. We began in 1986 with a growing population of Chinese immigrants and college students in San Diego. The church plant started with founding pastor Rev. and Mrs. Gerald Chao and the support of its English-speaking counterpart, Balboa Alliance Church. With Cantonese Sunday worship, Bible study, and outreach effort, Agape CAC grew in its number. Many received Christ and people were discipled and baptized. In 1997, Rev. and Mrs. Patrick Chow and family re-developed Agape CAC to be a “purpose-driven church” that “lives and fulfills the Great Commandments” (Matthew 22:37-40; 28:19-20).
Agape Chinese Alliance Church was formally incorporated in July 1998. The church held Cantonese service with Mandarin translation and service, which later absolved after refocusing the needs and vision of the church. In 2000, after much prayer for relocation, the church moved to a strategic place close to Asian businesses and restaurants. Again, there was much work in evangelism outreach such as parent education, community health fairs, Chinese classes for children and adult ESL (English) classes. In addition, there were Agape CAC small cell groups and Bible study and worship… resulting in adult, youth, and children ministries that grew. The year 2005 brought in the first American-born English pastor to oversee English ministry, Pastor James Chuang.
In 2006, there was a transition time for the church, with Rev. and Mrs. Jack To and family arriving early 2007 to continue Agape’s existing ministry and envisioning growth both spiritually and physically. Later, the church partnered with Enoch Center, a community outreach center for Chinese people living in San Diego. In April 2011, Agape moved into a church facility with more rooms, parking lot and playground to accommodate its growth and needs.
In 2016, Agape CAC acquired present premise and ready to celebrate its 30th anniversary. Unfortunately Rev. Jack To passed away due to cancer at the same year. The church has faced a period of uncertainty and instability. Nevertheless, Agape church leaders and members have been faithful in serving Him. More importantly, praise the Lord for His faithfulness to His people!
In 2020 the Lord led Rev. and Mrs. Jonathan Lam to Agape CAC as Lead Pastor and later Pastor Joshua Cheng on board in 2021 to serve in the English congregations. Agape CAC continues to trust God as He is the Lord of the church. We will continue to strive for the vision and mission God has given us until the day we meet Him.
愛加勉華人宣道會(以下簡稱為「愛加勉教會」)是基督教宣道會(C&MA)的成員。我們於1986年成立,當時聖地亞哥的華人移民和大學生人數不斷增加。趙恩富牧師及師母得到英語宣道會Balboa Alliance Church 的支持,開始主日粵語崇拜、聖經學習和外展活動,教會人數不斷增加,許多人接受了基督,並接受門徒訓練和浸禮。1997年,周鎮華牧師及師母接任,將愛加勉教會發展為一個「目標導向的教會」,以達至「活出並履行大使命」(馬太福音22:37-40;28:19-20)。
2007年初,杜牧師一家抵達接捧,繼續愛加勉教會的事工,並在屬靈生命及人數發展上皆有成長。當時教會與以諾中心(聖地亞哥的基督徒辦理之華人社區外展中心)合作,接觸華人群體;到2011年4 月,教會需要再次搬遷,在Linda Vista租用本地一教堂設施,能擁有更多聚會及活動空間、寛闊的停車場和兒童遊樂場設施,以適應教會的成長和需求。
經過幾年的轉變與不穩,在2020 年主帶領林兆源牧師和師母出任愛加勉教會之主任牧師之職,並主力帶領中文事工發展;並於2021年聘任程慶華傳道加入團隊,專責英文堂之服事。愛加勉教會繼續相信並倚靠上帝,因為祂是教會的主。我們將繼續為神賦予我們的異象和使命而奮鬥,直到我們與祂相遇的那一天。
Core Values
Agape Chinese Allance Church is a growing community of Christian believers seeking to live the biblical Great Commandments (Matthew 22:37-39) and fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19-20).
愛加勉華人宣道會是由一群委身活出基督大誡命(馬太福音22:37-39 「你要盡心、盡性、盡意愛主你的神…要愛人如己」)及大使命(馬太福音28:19-20 「所以,你們要去,使萬 民作我的門徒,奉父、子、聖靈的名給他們施洗。凡我所吩咐你們的,都教訓他們遵守」)的基督徒所組成的教會。
We express our love for God through vibrant corporate worship and application of His word in cell groups.
We actively reach out to the community of San Diego with God’s love: caring for their needs and sharing the good news of Jesus Christ.
We support global missions through prayer, financial contribution, and participation in short term missions.
Church Objectives
To celebrate God’s presence through worship.
To demonstrate God’s love through service.
To communicate God’s word through teaching and preaching.
To incorporate God’s people into God’s family.
Rev. Jonathan Lam
Rev. Lam was called to serve at Agape in 2020 as Lead Pastor. He has the vision to take the church after God’s heart in Great Commission as well as building a sustainable leadership.
Pastor Xristian Escala
Pastor Xristian was called to serve at Agape in 2025 as their English Pastor. He has a deep passion for all people to know the heights, depths, lengths, and widths of God's love for His people and His creation.
About the C&MA
C&MA info here
Learn more about the C&MA South Pacific District and US Chinese Church Association etc